Henry Threadgill-Brent Hayes: Edward Easily Slip Into Another World

Knoff editions, 2023

I experience, therefore I am. It is the categorical imperative in the art of Henry Threadgill as well as the trait d'union of this magnificent book, written in seven years of meetings with the professor of comparative literature Brent Hayes Edwards. Evoking the title of one of his famous CDs, "Easily Slip Into Another World" constitutes the theoretical foundation of a polycentric discography devoted to the continuous elaboration of new musical worlds.


Like his pentagram, Threadgill's literary narration is characterized by continuous changes of course and digressions, ranging from music to literature and philosophy. An open conception of musical aesthetics emerges, gradually understood as cosmopolitanism (residences in Goa and Amsterdam), fatigue (copyist work), fluctuating rhythm, denotative force, deviation from the rules in force.

Paradigmatic is the influence of James Joyce and his free punctuation on the compositional strategies of the Zooid ensemble where the rhythm is thought in 1/4 with meters that sometimes differ between drums and other musical instruments. It is a text full of anecdotes and information on recordings, human and artistic encounters, musicological articles for AACM publications, stories of projects that have elevated the Chicago composer and saxophonist to the rank of living legend of contemporary jazz.

Among the first-hand memories emerge many curiosities: the collaboration with the organist Jimmy McDuff, a concert in Sicily supported by the son of a mafia boss who is his fan, an adventurous plane trip between Cuba and Trinidad during a Caribbean storm and the conception of a percussive instrument called kubkaphone, used for the first time in Roscoe Mitchell's masterpiece "The Maze".

From reading the 402 pages we learn many other pleasant and unpleasant episodes of his life: the painful experience as a soldier in Vietnam that traumatized him to such an extent that he was unable to sleep for a few years and readapted to the silence of the night, a surreal stop at the airport of Caracas as a drug dealer, the engagement in a support group of the Isley Brothers in Chicago, the non-improvised music in most of the records made with Air.

The merit of Easily Slip Into Another Word is also that of outlining lively human profiles, pausing to point out with almost filial love the infinite humility of John Coltrane, the musical encyclopedism of his mentor Muhal Richard Abrams and the magnetism in Duke Ellington's gaze, capable to transform the tension of the musicians into creative energy.

© Maurice Zerbo

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Foto © Leentje Arnouts
cycle d’interviews réalisées
par Georges Tonla Briquet

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Silvère Mansis
(10.9.1944 - 22.4.2018)
foto © Dirck Brysse

Rik Bevernage
(19.4.1954 - 6.3.2018)
foto © Stefe Jiroflée

Philippe Schoonbrood
foto © Dominique Houcmant

Claude Loxhay
(18/02/1947 – 02/11/2023)
foto © Marie Gilon

Pedro Soler
(08/06/1938 – 03/08/2024)
foto © Jacky Lepage

Special thanks to our photographers:

Petra Beckers
Ron Beenen
Annie Boedt
Klaas Boelen
Henning Bolte

Serge Braem
Cedric Craps
Luca A. d'Agostino
Christian Deblanc
Philippe De Cleen
Paul De Cloedt
Cindy De Kuyper

Koen Deleu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Anne Fishburn
Federico Garcia
Jeroen Goddemaer
Robert Hansenne
Serge Heimlich
Dominique Houcmant
Stefe Jiroflée
Herman Klaassen
Philippe Klein

Jos L. Knaepen
Tom Leentjes
Hugo Lefèvre

Jacky Lepage
Olivier Lestoquoit
Eric Malfait
Simas Martinonis
Nina Contini Melis
Anne Panther
France Paquay
Francesca Patella
Jean-Jacques Pussiau
Arnold Reyngoudt
Jean Schoubs
Willy Schuyten

Frank Tafuri
Jean-Pierre Tillaert
Tom Vanbesien
Jef Vandebroek
Geert Vandepoele
Guy Van de Poel
Cees van de Ven
Donata van de Ven
Harry van Kesteren
Geert Vanoverschelde
Roger Vantilt
Patrick Van Vlerken
Marie-Anne Ver Eecke
Karine Vergauwen
Frank Verlinden

Jan Vernieuwe
Anders Vranken
Didier Wagner

and to our writers:

Mischa Andriessen
Robin Arends
Marleen Arnouts
Werner Barth
José Bedeur
Henning Bolte
Erik Carrette
Danny De Bock
Denis Desassis
Pierre Dulieu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Federico Garcia
Paul Godderis
Stephen Godsall
Jean-Pierre Goffin
Claudy Jalet
Chris Joris
Bernard Lefèvre
Mathilde Löffler
Claude Loxhay
Ieva Pakalniškytė
Anne Panther
Etienne Payen
Jacques Prouvost
Renato Sclaunich
Yves « JB » Tassin
Herman te Loo
Eric Therer
Georges Tonla Briquet
Henri Vandenberghe
Peter Van De Vijvere
Iwein Van Malderen
Jan Van Stichel
Olivier Verhelst