Carlos Barretto

© Nanã Sousa Dias

Carlos Barretto is a reference in the Portuguese, and European jazz music scene as a double bass player and composer. He was born in Lisbon (Portugal). Over the years he has lived in Paris (France) and Madrid (Spain), and played all over Europe, Cape Verde, Senegal, China, Macau, Morocco, Angola...

He also paints and has been doing exhibitions along his shows.

He worked with: Barry Altschul, Rodrigo Amado, Gilad Atzmon, Juan Mas Barroso, Mário Barreiros, Carlos Bechegas, Karl Berger, John Betsch, Cindy Blackman Santana, George Brown, Thierry Bruneau, George Cables, Joe Chambers, Carlos Carli, Mariano Diaz, Roman Filliu, Richard Galliano, Daniel Garcia, Steve Grossman, Gary Bartz, François Corneloup, Art Farmer, Glenn Ferris, Horacio Icasto, Alain Jean-Marie, Marlon Jordan, Lee Konitz, German Kucich, Steve Lacy, Mário Laginha, Kirk Lightsey, Carlos Martins, Guillermo McGuill, Brad Mehldau, Fabio Mianno, Marc Miralta, João Moreira, Don Moye, Alipio Neto, Andrej Olejnizack, Markku Ounaskari, Jorge Pardo, Horace Parlan, Steve Potts, Gerard Presencer, Abe Rabade, Júlio Resende, Aldo Romano, Jordi Rossy, Perico Sambeat, Bob Sands, Bernardo Sassetti, Louis Sclavis, Tony Scott, Joel Silva, John Stubblefield, François Théberge, Mal Waldron, Jack Walrath, Ethan Winogrand, Carlos Zingaro, a.m.o.


© Cláudio Alves

(English translation below)

“Os Lokomotiv têm-se destacado pela sua enorme flexibilidade : estética, interessados apenas em praticar um jazz que tenha tudo a ver com o nosso tempo. Barretto, Delgado e Salgueiro há muito que vêm revelando um grande leque de interesses musicais que cobrem tendências como o rock, o jazz, as músicas do mundo e a clássica, situando-se entre os expoentes portugueses de um ecletismo que é bem a marca deste início de século.”

Afim de celebrar os 25 anos de actividade lançaram convite ao saxofonista Ricardo Toscano para fazer parte da banda e gravam o album “25” em quarteto com temas originais.

© Rui Eduardo Paes

English translation:

"Lokomotiv excelled by their enormous aesthetic flexibility: aesthetic, interested only in playing jazz that is contemporary. Barretto, Delgado and Salgueiro have long revealed a wide range of musical interests that cover trends such as rock, jazz, world music and classical, placing them among the Portuguese exponents of an eclecticism that is very much the hallmark of this turn of the century."

To celebrate 25 years of activity, they invited saxophonist Ricardo Toscano to join the band and recorded the album "25" as a quartet with original songs.

© Rui Eduardo Paes

LOKOMOTIV na primeira pessoa

(English translation below)

Carlos Barretto

“Fomos para estúdio com os novos temas previamente ensaiados mas a componente da improvisação e espontaneidade troca-nos sempre as voltas no acto de gravar e por isso o resultado foi diferente (para melhor) do que estavamos à espera. Creio que temos aqui um bom disco.

Nestes 25 anos construiu-se uma boa cumplicidade e entendimento entre nós. Porém vimos chegado o momento de acrescentar uma nova voz ao colectivo justificada pela necessidade de diversificar cores e ambientes sonoros. Esse lugar está muito bem entregue ao saxofonista Ricardo Toscano que se adaptou que nem um camaleão aos objectivos da banda, que passou a quarteto com os já habituais Mário Delgado e José Salgueiro (e que grandes compagnons de route que eu aqui tenho…)"

José Salgueiro

“Gravar em estúdio é sempre desafiante . Ouvir os parceiros atentamente e comunicar através dos sons , onde o discurso que flui se torna complexo sem perder a lucidez objectiva de uma coerência própria, num som único que caracteriza os LOKOMOTIV.
25 anos de música com o Carlos Barretto e o Mário Delgado não é muito nem pouco. É o melhor tempo da nossa cumplicidade á qual se junta agora o talento de Ricardo  Toscano com a sua música e energia contagiante."

Mário Delgado
25 anos a pensar e viver em modo Lokomotiv

"O Carlos Barretto para mim é um Mestre, uma espécie de alter ego do Miles Davis misturado com o Rasputin do Corto Maltese. Por momentos, pode dar-me uma direção daquilo que devo fazer de uma forma muito próxima da história da gravação do “In a Silent way”: “Toca ruídos não toques acordes, mas não toques só ruídos”. Em outras vezes pode instruir - “toca o que nunca foi tocado” - “

Como gosto de mistérios, quanto mais interrogações a mensagem suscitar, melhor isso poderá ainda enaltecer a minha própria intuição.

O José Salgueiro é um dos músicos mais mágicos que conheço. Tanto pode tocar música muito complexa com um grau de comunicação superlativo, como interagir de uma forma perfeita com um músico amador que esteja a tocar numa praia ou com uma criança a brincar com o seu instrumento. É como se costuma dizer- um músico natural.

Eu toquei com o Ricardo Toscano antes de os outros dois vértices do triângulo o conhecerem e, de certa forma sabia que isto iria acontecer um dia. Durante os ensaios foi sempre notória a forma camaleónica como ele se consegue fundir com o som do grupo, sem nunca perder a sua essência ou tentar impor-se de uma forma mais egocêntrica. Sempre com todos os seus atributos a funcionarem em função da música."

English translation (DeepL):

LOKOMOTIV, in person...

Carlos Barretto

"We went into the studio with the new songs previously rehearsed, but the component of improvisation and spontaneity always turns us around in the act of recording, so the result was different (for the better) from what we were expecting. I think we have a good disc here.

Over these 25 years we've built up a good rapport and understanding between us. However, we saw the time had come to add a new voice to the collective, justified by the need to diversify colours and sound environments. That place is very well taken by saxophonist Ricardo Toscano, who has adapted like a chameleon to the band's objectives, now a quartet with the usual Mário Delgado and José Salgueiro (and what great “compagnons de route” I have here...).”

José Salgueiro

"Recording in the studio is always challenging. Listening carefully to the partners and communicating through the sounds, where the flowing discourse becomes complex without losing the objective lucidity of its own coherence, in a unique sound that characterises LOKOMOTIV.

25 years of music with Carlos Barretto and Mário Delgado is neither too much nor too little. It's the best time of our complicity, which is now joined by the talent of Ricardo Toscano with his music and contagious energy.”

Mário Delgado
25 years of thinking and living in Lokomotiv mode

“Carlos Barretto is a master to me, a kind of Miles Davis alter ego mixed with Corto Maltese's Rasputin. For a moment, he can give me direction on what to do in a way that's very close to the story of the recording of "In a Silent Way": "Play noises, don't play chords, but don't just play noises". At other times he can instruct - "play what has never been played" - "

As I like mysteries, the more questions the message raises, the better it can enhance my own intuition.

José Salgueiro is one of the most magical musicians I know. He can play very complex music with a superlative degree of communication, as well as interacting perfectly with an amateur musician playing on a beach or a child playing with his instrument. It's what they say - a natural musician.

I played with Ricardo Toscano before the other two vertices of the triangle met him and, in a way, I knew this would happen one day. During rehearsals, I was always struck by the chameleon-like way in which he manages to merge with the group's sound, without ever losing his essence or trying to impose himself in a more self-centred way. Always with all his attributes working for the music.”

Also read:



Thierry Bruneau 4tet Feat. Mal Waldron
Live At De Kave

Serene SER 01 - France, 1990

1. Theme For Sister Salvation (Freddie Redd)
2. Mandrake (Eric Dolphy)
3. Nicely (Sonny Clark)
4. Bee Vamp (Booker Little)
5. 245 (Eric Dolphy)
6. Melody For Melonae (Jackie McLean)


Alto saxophone, bass clarinet, bassoon – Thierry Bruneau
Piano – Mal Waldron
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – John Betsch

Carlos Barretto – Impressões
Groove GR101 – Portugal, 1994

1. AFC (Perico Sambeat)
2. Esplanada (François Théberge)
3. Song For Diana (Carlos Barretto)
4. Queda Do Império (Vitorino/arr. Bernardo Sassetti)
5. As Coisas Mudam (Bernardo Sassetti)
6. Luso (Perico Sambeat)
7. Other Impressions (Carlos Barretto)
8. Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum (Wayne Shorter/arr. Bernardo Sassetti)
9. The Edge (François Théberge)
10. O Pensador (Bernardo Sassetti)


Alto Saxophone, Flute – Perico Sambeat
Double Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Mário Barreiros
Piano – Bernardo Sassetti
Tenor Saxophone – François Théber

George Cables Trio – Alone Together
Groove GR110 - Portugal, 1995

1. Alone Together (Dietz / Swartz)
2. Phantom Of The City (George Cables)
3. Why Not (George Cables)
4. I Told You So (George Cables)
5. Body And Soul (Joe Green)
6. Blue Nights (George Cables)
7. Scablemates (Carlos Barretto)


Double Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Philippe Soirat
Piano – George Cables

Carlos Martins Quarteto – Passagem
Enja Records ENJ-9073 2 - Germany, 1996

1. Sofia (Carlos Martins)
2. Mali M´Bule Baaba (Bernardo Sassetti)
3. Duo (Carlos Martins)
4. À Espera (Miguel Sá Pessoa/ arranged by Carlos Martins)
5. Working Blues (Bernardo Sassetti)
6. Round Trip (Ornette Coleman)
7. Passado Presente (Bernardo Sassetti)
8. I Trust On You (Carlos Barretto)
9. Sophisticated Lady (Duke Ellington)
10. Naif (Carlos Martins)


Acoustic bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Cindy Blackman
Piano – Bernardo Sassetti
Tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone – Carlos Martins

Carlos Barretto Quintet – Going Up
A Records AL 73059 - Netherlands, 1996

1. Noites De Madrid (Carlos Barretto)
2. Going Up (Carlos Barretto)
3. Despedida (Carlos Barretto)
4. Por Favor (Carlos Barretto)
5. No Abismo (Carlos Barretto)
6. A Pedra (Carlos Barretto)
7. Fajádo-Zz (Carlos Barretto)
8. Una Para Bob (Carlos Barretto)


Alto saxophone, soprano saxophone – Perico Sambeat
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Philippe Soirat
Percussion – José Salgueiro
Piano – Alberto Bover
Tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone – Bob Sands

Carlos Barretto, Mário Delgado,
José Salgueiro – Suite Da Terra

BAB BAB 01 - Portugal, 1998

1. Além Tejo Aqui Tão Perto
2. Canção Da Lua
3. Terra De N'gumbé
4. Terra De Ninguém
5. Let's Goa
6. 3.4.7.
7. Mediterrâneando
8. Balança Terra


Double Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric Guitar – Mário Delgado

Bob Sands Quartet – Jumpstart
Fresh Sound New Talent FSNT-042 - Spain, 1998

1. Teseract (Perico Sambeat)
2. Slow Boat To China (Frank Loesser)
3. Scablemates (Carlos Barretto)
4. Tren A Paléncia (Kurt Weiss)
5. Fjord March (Bob Sands)
6. Jumpstart (Bob Sands)
7. Conversaciones En La Plata (Perico Sambeat)
8. You Don't Know What Love Is (Don Raye, Gene DePaul)


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Felipe Soirat
Piano – Albert Bover
Saxophone – Bob Sands
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Kurt Weiss

Carlos Barretto, Bernardo Sassetti,
Mário Barreiros, Perico Sambeat – Olhar

Up Beat Records UB 10005, Portugal, 1999

1. Olhar (B. Sassetti)
2. Olivais (C. Barretto)
3. Sweet House (C. Barretto)
4. Mira Qui Parla (P. Sambeat)
5. Nao Sei Porquê (C. Barretto)
6. Dedadas (M. Barreiros)
7. Narayama (B. Sassetti)
8. Mo-Fo (P. Sambeat)


Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone – Perico Sambeat
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Mário Barreiros
Piano – Bernardo Sassetti

Carlos Barretto – Silêncios

Foco Musical FM0004CB - Portugal, 2000

1. Azenhas
2. Silêncios
3. Liberdade Para Óscar
4. Variações Em Lá
5. Dança Do Mar Negro
6. Lisboa Que Amanhece
7. Não Sei Porquê
8. Salmo
9. Tensão U=Ri


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric guitar – Mário Delgado

Mário Delgado – Filactera
Clean Feed CF004CD - Portugal, 2002

1. I'm A Poor Lonesome Cowboy (For Morris & Goscinny)
2. Armadilha Diabólica (For Edgar Pierre Jacobs)
3. Sete Bolas De Cristal (For Herg,)    
4. Corto Maltese (For Hugo Pratt)
5. Gatos E Corvos (Fritz The Cat) (For Robert Crumb)
6. Blues Dos Freak Brothers (For Gilbert Shelton)
7. A Mulher Armadilha (For Enki Bilal)
8. Marcha Das Múmias Loucas / Gelati Blues (For Jacques Tardi)
9. A Tensão U = R I
10. I'm A Poor Lonesome Cowboy (Reprise)    


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Guitar – Mário Delgado
Tenor Saxophone – Andrzej Olejniczak
Trombone – Claus Nymark

Carlos Barretto – Solo Pictórico

Cbtm 001 - Portugal, 2002

1. Deambulações Do Fala Só
2. Round Midnight
3. Deambulações 2
4. Variações
5. Deambulações 3
6. Deambulações 4
7. Variações Do Azul


Double bass - Carlos Barretto


Carlos Barretto Trio + Louis Sclavis – Radio Song
C.B.T.M CBTM0001 - Portugal, 2002
re-released on Clean Feed - Portugal, 2007

1. Distresser
2. O Rapaz Do Lixo
3. Radio Song
4. On Verra Bien
5. Searching
6. Nas Trevas
7. Luminae
8. Espírito Da Solidao
9. Final Searching
10. Asa Celta
11. Variações Em Mi


Bass clarinet, clarinet, soprano saxophone – Louis Sclavis (tracks: 1, 4, 10)
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums, Percussion – José Salgueiro
Guitar – Mário Delgado

Bernardo Sassetti – Nocturno
Clean Feed CF008CD - Portugal, 2002

1. Time For Love (Johnny Mandell/Paul Webster)
2. Sonho Dos Outros
3. Reflexos
4. Nocturno
5. Olhar
6. Musica Callada Mov.1 (Federico Mompou)
7. Cançon No.7 / Andante (Federico Mompou)
8. Monkais (arranged and written by A. Frazão)
9. Quando Volta O Encanto
10. Musica Callada Mov.1 / Piano Solo (Federico Mompou)


Piano, arrangements, compositions – Bernardo Sassetti
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão

Carlos Barretto – Lokomotiv
Clean Feed CF016CD - Portugal, 2003

1. Lokomotiv
2. Eirò
3. Klinfrik
4. O Balão Na Cama Do Faquir
5. Sans Titre
6. Casa Branca
7. Oráculo
8. Mil Águas


Baritone saxophone – François Corneloup
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric guitar – Mário Delgado

Afonso Pais – Terranova
Clean Feed CF032CD - Portugal, 2004

1. We See
2. Amozone
3. Domo Da Metazona
4. Tanguilho
5. Zone-B
6. Terranova
7. Momentum


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Guitar – Afonso Pais

Bernardo Sassetti Trio2 – Ascent
Clean Feed CF046CD - Portugal, 2005

1. Do Silêncio Revelação
2. El Testament D'Amelia (Trad. Catalão)
3. Ascent
4. De Um Instante A Outro
5. Como Quem Diz
6. Reflexos / Mov. Contrário Um Dia / Através Do Vidro - Parte I, Parte II
7. Outro Lugar
8. Naquele Tempo
9. (In)diferente
10. Da Noite - Ao Silêncio


Cello – Ajda Zupancic
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Piano – Bernardo Sassetti
Vibraphone – Jean-François Lezé

Ethan Winogrand – Tangled Tango
Clean Feed CF074CD - Portugal, 2007

1. Broadway Jitters
2. Transmissions
3. Successions
4. Una Vuelta
5. Tangled Tango
6. She's Flying Gumbo Low
7. Nocturnal Snow
8. Crocodilian Wag
9. Pickup Sticks
10. Time To Kill
11. What Next
12. Wrapping Paper


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Ethan Winogrand
Electric bass [upright] – Eric Mingus (tracks: 5, 7)
Guitar – Ross Bonadonna
Tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, flute – Gorka Benitez
Trumpet, trumpet [Slide] – Steven Bernstein (tracks: 2, 5, 7, 9, 12)

Ethan Winogrand Trio – Right Way Down
Every Good Song – Spain, 2007

1. Coming On Spring (Ethan Winogrand)
2. Good 'N Ripe (Ethan Winogrand)
3. Dragnet (Ethan Winogrand)
4. Slip Knot (Ethan Winogrand)
5. Right Way Down (Ethan Winogrand)
6. Five In Hand (Ethan Winogrand)
7. Slow Poke (Ethan Winogrand)
8. Pee Wee (Tony Williams)
9. Rabbit Runs (Ethan Winogrand)
10. If It Ain't Broke (Ethan Winogrand)


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Ethan Winogrand
Piano – Jacobo De Miguel

Miguel Martins Kaleidoscópio
The Newcomer

Klimax Records CD 01 / 07 - Portugal, 2007

1. Raimund`s Groove
2. An Elefant in a chinise store
3. Kaleidoscópio
4. Four Beers
5. Last Call To Lisbon-Horta
6. Broken Tou
7. Ventos Sul


Guitar - Miguel Martins
Double bass - Carlos Barretto
Drums - Markku Ounaskari
Trumpet - Hugo Alves

Marta Sanchez Trío
Lunas, Soles & Elefantes

Errabal ER.021 - Spain, 2008

1. La Tristeza De Ma
2. Txu
3. Naty
4. One For Santi
5. Mr.J
6. Making It Happen
7. Lunas, Soles Y Elefantes
8. Diabolic


Acoustic Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Andrés Litwin
Piano – Marta Sanchez

Afonso Pais Trio Featuring Edu Lobo

Enja Records ENJ-9518 2 - Germany, 2008

1. Desconserto
2. Mestre Bemvaiorna
3. Subsequências
4. Inside
5. Quando For
6. Considerado
7. Roda Dentada


Double Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Guitar, piano (tracks: 3) – Afonso Pais
Vocals – Edu Lobo (tracks: 6, 7)

Carlos Barretto Lokomotiv – Labirintos
Clean Feed CF179CD - Portugal, 2010

1. Salada 2
2. Ponto E Virgula 2 (Carlos Barretto/José Salgueiro/Mário Delgado)
3. Triklo Five (Carlos Barretto)
4. Não Sei Porquê (Canção Para Susette) (Carlos Barretto)
5. Labirintos (Carlos Barretto)
6. Asterion 5 (Carlos Barretto)
7. Tutti Per Capita (Carlos Barretto)
8. Makambira (Carlos Barretto)
9. Terra De Ninguem (Carlos Barretto)


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric guitar – Mário Delgado

Bernardo Sassetti Trio – Motion
Clean Feed CF177CD - Portugal, 2010

1. Homecoming Queen (M. Linkous)
2. Morning Circles (11:50 AM)
3. Reflexos_Movimento Circular
4. O Homem Que Diz Adeus (Motion I)
5. Faulkner
6. Tariff: 3$/Hr - Max: 2 Hrs
7. MW 108.7 Revival
8. MW 104.5 Bicubic
9. Bird & Beyond (Fim De Tarde)
10. Vagabundo (Motion II)
11. Estrada
12. Objectos No Espelho
13. Chegada (Noite)
14. Canço Nr. VI (F. Mompou)


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Piano, Compositions (tracks: 2 to 13) – Bernardo Sassetti
Drums – Alexandre Frazão


LST - Lisboa String Trio – matéria
Primetime LDA PT0114CD, fundação GDA PT0114CD - Portugal, 2014

1. Camel
2. Por Aqui
3. Outubro 3
4. Fado Ao Lado
5. A Valsa Do Mal-me-quer
6. Deixa pra lá
7. Desagarrado
8. A Roda Dentada
9. Sobrevive
10. Se Fado Fosse
11. Ténue (para O Alex)


Classical guitar – José Peixoto
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Portuguese guitar – Bernardo Couto

António Eustáquio E Carlos Barretto
JACC Records 027 - Portugal, 2015

1. Sol Da Sesta
2. Ibn
3. Marwan
4. Na Intimidade
5. Variações Em Lá
6. Histórias Com Noite Dentro
7. Hoje A Minha Dor É Esta
8. Poema A Uma Folha Caída
9. Guitolão


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Guitar [Guitolão] – António Eustáquio

Medeiros/Lucas - Terra do Corpo
Clean Feed - Portugal, 2016


Vocals - Carlos Medeiros
Synths - Pedro Lucas
Fender Rhodes - Augusto Macedo
Drums - Ian Carlo Mendonza
Double-Bass - Carlos Barretto

LST - Lisboa String Trio
Primetime LDA PT1601CD - Portugal, 2016

1. Day After
2. Variacoes Em Re
3. Impasse
4. Corrido Farense
5. Saudade
6. Procura
7. Balada Da Saudade
8. Quando
9. Cinzento
10. Guitarra Triste
11. Valsa Do Algodao
12. D. Filipa


Classical guitar – José Peixoto
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Portuguese guitar – Bernardo Couto

Lokomotiv – Gnosis
Aduf Música 2018/01 - Portugal, 2018

1. Lugar Sem Lugar (C. Barretto)
2. Percorrupto (J. Salgueiro)
3. Cair Com As Mãos Nos Bolsos (Barretto/Salgueiro/Delgado)
4. Porta Líquida (C. Barretto)
5. Gnosis (C. Barretto)
6. Arriba (J. Salgueiro)
7. Corrida Lenta (Barretto/Salgueiro/Delgado)
8. Tangram (M. Delgado)
9. Trapézio Do Catrapázio (Barretto/Salgueiro/Delgado)


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric Guitar – Mário Delgado

Madalena Palmeirim - Right As Rain
Clean Feed - Portugal, 2019


Ana Luísa Valdeira: violins on 2, 7, 10 and 12
Bernardo Palmeirim: vox and acoustic guitar on 5
Carlos Barretto: doublebass on 3 and 7
David Santos: doublebass on 1, bass on 4 and 6
Francisca Cortesão: vox on 1 and 12, banjo on 12
Gonçalo Castro: bass on 9 and 11
Giulia Gallina: concertina on 11
Inês Pimenta: vox on 12
Mariana Ricardo: vox on 1 and 12, bass on 12, pandeiro on 8
Miguel Bonneville: vox on 10
MOMO.: vox on 8
Sara Carinhas: vox on 11

Alberto Conde Iberian Roots Trío
The Wake Of An Artist
Tribute To Bernardo Sassetti

Clean Feed CF513CD - Portugal, 2019

1. Taken By Lisbon (Alberto Conde/Pablo Beltrán)
2. The Wake Of An Artist (Pablo Beltrán)
3. Música Callada (Frederic Mompou)
4. Monkssetti (Alberto Conde)
5. Double Refraction (Alberto Conde)
6. O Sonho dos Outros (Bernardo Sassetti)
7. Reflexos (Bernardo Sassetti)
8. Embalo Para Bernardo (José Valente)
9. Noite - Alice (Bernardo Sassetti)


Double Bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Piano – Alberto Conde
Viola – José Valente (track 8)

LST - Lisboa String Trio - Aqui e Ali
Galileo JARP0120CD - Germany, 2020

1. Aqui e Ali (M: Jose Peixoto)
2. Os Passos Perdidos (M: Carlos Barretto)
3. Reflexos (M: Bernardo Sassetti)
4. Engrenagem (M: Jose Mario Branco)
5. Zorongo Gitano (M: Federico Garcia Lorca | T: Federico Garcia Lorca)
6. Setembro (M: Jose Peixoto)
7. Larghetto Dos Prazeres (M: Pedro Caldeira Cabral)
8. O Que Foi Já Não Volta A Ser (M: Bernardo Couto)
9. Falso Trote (M: Jose Peixoto)
10. Ai Mas Ai De Mim (M: Jose Peixoto | T: Tiago Torres da Silva)
11. Soundcheck (M: Jose Peixoto)


Classical guitar - José Peixoto
Portuguese guitar - Bernardo Couto
Double Bass - Carlos Barretto
Voice - Cristina Branco, Maria Berasarte

Bernardo Sassetti Trio – Culturgest 2007
Clean Feed CF587CD - Portugal, 2022

1. Abertura
2. I'm Thru With Love
3. Reflexos
4. Algumas Coisa Não Mudam
5. Tristeza Dos Dois
6. Um Dia Através Do Vidro
7. Quando Volta O Encanto


Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – Alexandre Frazão
Piano – Bernardo Sassetti

Recorded live at Grande Auditório da Culturgeste,
Lisbon, September 29th, 2007 by Nelson Carvalho

Lokomotiv – 25 anos
Self-produced - Portugal, 2023

1. Tumba laka muna kira táka pirí (Carlos Barretto)
2. L'ombre do triton (Mário Delgado)
3. Ornettish (Carlos Barretto)
4. Horizontes de paz (Carlos Barretto)
5. Decompor (José Salgueiro)
6. Asymmetric angles (Carlos Barretto)
7. Rythmic rebellion (Mário Delgado)
8. Drina (Carlos Barretto)
9. 3 da manhã e não encontro as chaves (Carlos Barretto/José Salgueiro/Mário Delgado)


Alto saxophone – Ricardo Toscano
Double bass – Carlos Barretto
Drums – José Salgueiro
Electric guitar – Mário Delgado

LST - Lisboa String Trio
Canções Conretas e Outras Histórias

Galileo GMV130 – Germany, 2023

1. Laranjas Com Versos (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
2. Ouço Vozes (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
3. Chegar à Fala (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
4. A Voz das Pedras (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
5. O Outro Lado-Água e Sal (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
6. Bad Seed (M: Carlos Barretto)
7. Castiçal (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
8. Uma História Bizarra (M: Marc Planells)
9. Lá Fora o Sol (M: José Peixoto)
10. As Regras da Loucura (M: José Peixoto | T: João Monge)
11. Alba (M: Sofia Vitória)

Musicians :

Guitar - José Peixoto
Double Bass - Carlos Barretto
Oud, sitar, percussion - Marc Planells
Voice - Sofia Vitória

Carlos Barretto – Lonely Dog
self produced - Portugal, 2024

1. Pítica
2. Quarto esciro
3. Underdog
4. Cleps on rope
5. Mother echoes
6. Fuga para a frente
7. Lonely Dog

Todas os temas compostos por
All songs composed by Carlos Barretto

Com o inestimável apoio da GDA e Antena 2 / With the invaluable support of GDA and Antena 2

Not available in shops. To buy it, send a PM


Double bass – Carlos Barretto


"Liefst 22 jaar na ‘Solo Pictórico’ brengt contrabassist Carlos Barretto (Estoril °1957) een nieuw soloproject ‘Lonely Dog’ uit.

De Portugese meesterbassist liet zich al opmerken in samenwerking met jazzgrootheden zoals onder meer Lee Konitz, Mal Waldron, Brad Mehldau en als lid van het Lisboa String Trio waarvan intussen vier albums verschenen. Daarin verenigen Carlos Barretto, Bernardo Couto (portugese gitaar) en José Peixoto (klassieke gitaar) klassiek met jazz en fado. In de jongste albums nodigden ze vocalisten Cristina Branco en Maria Berasarte (‘Aqui e Ali’ 2020) en zangeres Sofia Vitória met oud/sitarspeler Marc Planells (‘Canções Concretas e Outras Histórias’ 2023) uit. Daarnaast kent Carlos Barretto een vijfentwintigjarige samenwerking met gitarist Mário Delgado en José Salgueiro.

Maar ‘Lonely Dog’ is een soloproject. Heel puur strijkend en hoogst melodisch opent Carlos Barretto het album met ‘Pitica’, pure schoonheid. In ‘Quarto Escuro’ evoceert hij met de strijkstok een weemoedige stemming. Met ‘Underdog’ ontwikkelt hij een swingend aanstekelijke baslijn. In ‘Cleps on Roap’ combineert hij bas met percussieve accenten. Heel expressief strijkend en plukkend komt alles samen in ‘Mother Echoes’, gevolgd door het prachtige pizzicato in ‘Fuga para a Frente’. En met ‘Lonely Dog’ rondt Barretto vrij improviserend af met Bach-inspiraties.

Carlos Barretto weet virtuoos met de uitstekende contrabas (ontwerp Paul Claudot 1850) onder zijn hand en volledig eigen composities spannende kamermuziek om te toveren van klassiek over jazzswing tot zelfs Portugese soul in al zijn expressiviteit: plukkend, strijkend, klappend, soms ingehouden, altijd puur en spannend, ritmisch levendig creatief. Zinnenstrelende klanken van verwondering."

© Bernard Lefèvre, Jazz'halo 05/2024

English translation:

"No less than 22 years after 'Solo Pictórico', double bassist Carlos Barretto (Estoril °1957) is releasing a new solo project 'Lonely Dog'.

The Portuguese master bassist already made his mark in collaborations with jazz greats such as Lee Konitz, Mal Waldron, Brad Mehldau and as a member of the Lisboa String Trio, whose four albums have since been released. In it, Carlos Barretto, Bernardo Couto (Portuguese guitar) and José Peixoto (classical guitar) unite classical with jazz and fado. In the latest albums, they invited vocalists Cristina Branco and Maria Berasarte ('Aqui e Ali' 2020) and singer Sofia Vitória with oud/sitar player Marc Planells ('Canções Concretas e Outras Histórias' 2023). In addition, Carlos Barretto has a twenty-five-year collaboration with guitarist Mário Delgado and José Salgueiro.

But 'Lonely Dog' is a solo project. Very pure bowing and highly melodic, Carlos Barretto opens the album with 'Pitica', pure beauty. In 'Quarto Escuro', he evokes a melancholic mood with the bow. With 'Underdog', he develops a swinging infectious bass line. In 'Cleps on Roap', he combines bass with percussive accents. Very expressive bowing and picking everything comes together in 'Mother Echoes', followed by the beautiful pizzicato in 'Fuga para a Frente'. And with 'Lonely Dog', Barretto rounds off freely improvising with Bach inspirations.

With the excellent double bass (design Paul Claudot 1850) under his hand and completely his own compositions, Carlos Barretto knows how to virtuosically transform exciting chamber music from classical over jazz swing to even Portuguese soul in all its expressiveness: picking, bowing, clapping, sometimes restrained, always pure and exciting, rhythmically vividly creative. Sensuous sounds of wonder."

© Bernard Lefèvre, Jazz'halo 05/2024

"La basse peine à se défaire de l’image d’instrument d’accompagnement qui lui colle au corps. Comme si elle était vouée, condamnée à rester enfermée, enferrée dans ce rôle subalterne que l’histoire de la musique lui assigne.

Des bassistes chevronnés tels Jaco Pastorius ou Charlie Haden ont depuis longtemps démenti ce cliché, démontrant avec brio qu’une basse à elle seule valait bien une guitare. Plus proche géographiquement et dans le temps, il est arrivé à Michel Hatzigeorgiou de donner des concerts en solitaire devant un public souvent médusé tant il parvenait à démultiplier les possibilités de son instrument.

Carlos Barretto s’inscrit dans cette démarche qui consiste à donner à la basse une place de choix, et, pour tout dire, régnante. A la fois contrebassiste et compositeur, ce Lisboète approche aujourd’hui de la septantaine. Il a joué avec une multitude de musiciens dont des pointures comme Steve Lacy, Lee Konitz, Louis Sclavis, Richard Galliano, Daniel Garcia et d’autres moins célèbres, à la fois sur les scènes portugaises et hors frontières.

Accolant, en caractères majuscules, le terme ‘solo’ à son nom, il prévient d’emblée l’auditeur de ce dont il s’agit. Le disque est concis, 26 minutes à peine pour sept compositions assez courtes. Parfois, c’est l’archet qu’il privilégie, parfois c’est son jeu de doigts que l’on devine musclé et entêtant. La prise de son est des plus naturelles. On entend à plusieurs reprises Barretto reprendre son souffle, ses doigts glisser, pincer les cordes, son poignet ajuster l’archet.

Sans doute l’enregistrement est-il lui-même mis en relief par le fait que Barretto joue sur une contrebasse Paul Claudot qui date de… 1850. Le magnifique “Mother Echoes” avec ses réminiscences sereines de Bach et la plage éponyme “Lonely Dog” en clôture sont assurément les deux compositions phares de cet album dont on regrette qu’il ne se prolonge pas d’une quinzaine de minutes de plus."

© Eric Therer, JazzMania (BE), 12.07.2024

Pedro Melo Alves – Conundrum VOL:1
Clean Feed - Portugal, 2024

1. January 14th, 2022
2. November 11th, 2022
3. September 29th, 2022
4. February 22nd, 2019
5. December 20th, 2023
6. April 12th, 2023
7. February 11th, 2019
8. May 13th, 2022
9. July 9th, 2022
10. March 4th, 2022
11. February 12th, 2019
12. October 19th, 2023
13. February 9th, 2023


drums, percussion and electronics - Pedro Melo Alves
accordion and MIDI accordion - João Barradas
voice and electronics - Audrey Chen
turntables, sampler, electronics - Ignaz Schick
electric guitar - Nuno Rebelo
piano - Marta Warelis
cello and electronics - Violeta Garcia
harp - Jacqueline Kerrod
doublebass - Carlos Barretto
voice - Sara Serpa
electronic and acoustic feedback, modified amplifier, electrode oscillator - Rafael Toral
prepared piano - Grilo
voice and electronics - Gil Dionísio
voice and electronics - Ece Canlı

Sphinx-like and serpentine, the aptly-named Conundrum Vol.1: Itself Through Disappearance poses a sequence of riddles to which there are no easy answers, it’s sublime audio cyphers codified in the enigmatic and elusive, confounding and revelatory.

Across the album’s captivating baker’s dozen of post-everything dialogues, celebrated Portuguese drummer and composer Pedro Melo Alves collaborates for the very first time with some of the most creative artists operating in the fields of jazz, free-improv and avant-garde music, among them Rafael Toral, Audrey Chen, Marta Warelis, Violeta Garcia, Sara Serpa and Ignaz Schick.

These virginal convergences, untainted by the baggage of previous encounters, are profuse with the verdant promise of unchartered terrains and synergetic recasting, a bountiful auguring of anticipation, reawakening and puzzling dream, chronicled during Melo Alves’ unique run of bi-monthly concerts between 2019 and 2023, hosted at Lisbon’s Galeria Zé dos Bois and other enlightened cultural hotspots.

Conundrum clamours with Melo Alves’ skittering rimshots, metallic scrapes and bowed toms, the tub-thumper making like a hyperactive poltergeist shifting around the percussive furniture of his kit, the core interlocutor on a disparate series of carefully-curated live extracts, pregnant with potentials and possibilities, charged with the vital contributions of his conspirators: spectral trawls of wrecked syntax seemingly conducted over remote EVP broadcast; jostling layers of bilious see-saw drone motioning mal de mar mirage; alien vistas electro-deluged in dilated burble; ethereal harp attacks; sine-wave semaphores; inebriated insectoid chatter and disembodied voices popping out from the wax of Schick’s vinyl stash.

At a time when people’s collective instincts are coming increasingly under siege – from incomprehensible wars, pernicious diseases and freedom-baiting political extremists – Conundrum captures all the mystery, magic and enlivening sense of discovery inherent in the human encounter, via a symposium of precious minds realising a propitious vision, referred to by Melo Alves in his album liner notes as “a gift¼ where old certainties lose ground and new, unchained universes may flourish”.

work in progress


review LST Akustik Gitarre










Vem aí o meu novo disco “Lonely dog” (contrabaixo solo)
Com o inestimável apoio da GDA e Antena 2, tenho algumas datas para o apresentar ao vivo:

My new disc "Lonely dog" (solo double bass) is coming out.
With the invaluable support of GDA and Antena 2, I have a few dates to perform it live

28 Março 2024 (19h) - Café Dias
21 Abril 2024 (18h) - Penha sco
5 Junho 2024 (19h) - Liceu Camões (Ant 2)
28 Junho 2024 (18h) - Teatro S. Luiz/ Festival Bernardo Sassetti

work in progress

© Graça Ezequiel


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Foto © Leentje Arnouts
cycle d’interviews réalisées
par Georges Tonla Briquet

our partners:

Clemens Communications

Markt 2 -


Silvère Mansis
(10.9.1944 - 22.4.2018)
foto © Dirck Brysse

Rik Bevernage
(19.4.1954 - 6.3.2018)
foto © Stefe Jiroflée

Philippe Schoonbrood
foto © Dominique Houcmant

Claude Loxhay
(18/02/1947 – 02/11/2023)
foto © Marie Gilon

Pedro Soler
(08/06/1938 – 03/08/2024)
foto © Jacky Lepage

Special thanks to our photographers:

Petra Beckers
Ron Beenen
Annie Boedt
Klaas Boelen
Henning Bolte

Serge Braem
Cedric Craps
Luca A. d'Agostino
Christian Deblanc
Philippe De Cleen
Paul De Cloedt
Cindy De Kuyper

Koen Deleu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Anne Fishburn
Federico Garcia
Jeroen Goddemaer
Robert Hansenne
Serge Heimlich
Dominique Houcmant
Stefe Jiroflée
Herman Klaassen
Philippe Klein

Jos L. Knaepen
Tom Leentjes
Hugo Lefèvre

Jacky Lepage
Olivier Lestoquoit
Eric Malfait
Simas Martinonis
Nina Contini Melis
Anne Panther
France Paquay
Francesca Patella
Jean-Jacques Pussiau
Arnold Reyngoudt
Jean Schoubs
Willy Schuyten

Frank Tafuri
Jean-Pierre Tillaert
Tom Vanbesien
Jef Vandebroek
Geert Vandepoele
Guy Van de Poel
Cees van de Ven
Donata van de Ven
Harry van Kesteren
Geert Vanoverschelde
Roger Vantilt
Patrick Van Vlerken
Marie-Anne Ver Eecke
Karine Vergauwen
Frank Verlinden

Jan Vernieuwe
Anders Vranken
Didier Wagner

and to our writers:

Mischa Andriessen
Robin Arends
Marleen Arnouts
Werner Barth
José Bedeur
Henning Bolte
Erik Carrette
Danny De Bock
Denis Desassis
Pierre Dulieu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Federico Garcia
Paul Godderis
Stephen Godsall
Jean-Pierre Goffin
Claudy Jalet
Chris Joris
Bernard Lefèvre
Mathilde Löffler
Claude Loxhay
Ieva Pakalniškytė
Anne Panther
Etienne Payen
Jacques Prouvost
Renato Sclaunich
Yves « JB » Tassin
Herman te Loo
Eric Therer
Georges Tonla Briquet
Henri Vandenberghe
Peter Van De Vijvere
Iwein Van Malderen
Jan Van Stichel
Olivier Verhelst