Ben Sluijs - Erik Vermeulen
Talibam! + guests
Jeroen Van Herzeele Quartet
Oriol Roca Trio
Pirodda - Cassiers
Seppe Gebruers, Hugo Antunes & Paul Lovens
Full Blast [Broetzmann-Pliakas-Wertmueller]
Punk Kong
Jozef Dumoulin & Lidlboj
Filip Wauters' Spook (carte blanche)
Anderson, Bennink, Glerum, Van Kemenade
Franke & Moyaerts
Drum Summit
Lode Vercampts' Las (carte blanche)
Ago Benin! Brass
Satoko Fujii's Route Improvisé
Guido Schiffer & All Go Rhythm à la Visiteurs
Satoko Fujii will be coaching a line up of young musicians for different concerts: 4 French musicians & 4 Citadelic musicians. They are performing on the 2nd of june. This project is part of Breaking The Improvised Border : Citadelic (Gent - B, citadelic.be) + Muzzix (Lille - Fr, muzzix.info)
dans le cadre de la convention de coopération culturelle entre la Communauté Flamande et la Région Hauts-de-France
in het kader van de culturele samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen Vlaanderen en Hauts-de-France
Critics and fans alike hail pianist and composer Satoko Fujii as one of the most original voices in jazz today. A truly global artist, she tours internationally leading several ensembles based in Japan, Europe, and the United States. Just as her career spans international borders, her music spans many genres, blending jazz, contemporary classical, rock, and traditional Japanese music into an innovative synthesis instantly recognizable as hers alone. Her wide-ranging compositions can incorporate the simple melodies of folk song, the harmonic sophistication of jazz, the rhythmic power of rock, and the extended forms of symphonic composers. Although Fujii's compositions are full of sudden shifts in direction and mood, the extremes are always part of a greater conceptual whole. The 2015 El Intruso International Critics Poll recognized her as one of the composers of the year and in 2016 she was named a Rising Star Composer in the 64th Annual DownBeat International Critics Poll. As an improviser, Fujii is equally wide-ranging and virtuosic. In her solos, explosive free jazz energy mingles with delicate melodicism and a broad palette of timbre and textures.
"She is the Ellington of free jazz."―Bob Rusch, Cadenc
"Unpredictable, wildly creative, and uncompromising…Fujii is an absolutely essential listen for anyone interested in the future of jazz." ― Dan McClenaghan, All About Jazz
"Fujii is clearly one of the most exciting musicians to come along in a while." ― Robert Iannapollo, Cadence
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Markt 2 - 8820 TORHOUT
Silvère Mansis
(10.9.1944 - 22.4.2018)
foto © Dirck Brysse
Rik Bevernage
(19.4.1954 - 6.3.2018)
foto © Stefe Jiroflée
Philippe Schoonbrood
foto © Dominique Houcmant
Claude Loxhay
(18/02/1947 – 02/11/2023)
foto © Marie Gilon
Pedro Soler
(08/06/1938 – 03/08/2024)
foto © Jacky Lepage
Special thanks to our photographers:
Petra Beckers
Ron Beenen
Annie Boedt
Klaas Boelen
Henning Bolte
Serge Braem
Cedric Craps
Luca A. d'Agostino
Christian Deblanc
Philippe De Cleen
Paul De Cloedt
Cindy De Kuyper
Koen Deleu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Anne Fishburn
Federico Garcia
Jeroen Goddemaer
Robert Hansenne
Serge Heimlich
Dominique Houcmant
Stefe Jiroflée
Herman Klaassen
Philippe Klein
Jos L. Knaepen
Tom Leentjes
Hugo Lefèvre
Jacky Lepage
Olivier Lestoquoit
Eric Malfait
Simas Martinonis
Nina Contini Melis
Anne Panther
France Paquay
Francesca Patella
Jean-Jacques Pussiau
Arnold Reyngoudt
Jean Schoubs
Willy Schuyten
Frank Tafuri
Jean-Pierre Tillaert
Tom Vanbesien
Jef Vandebroek
Geert Vandepoele
Guy Van de Poel
Cees van de Ven
Donata van de Ven
Harry van Kesteren
Geert Vanoverschelde
Roger Vantilt
Patrick Van Vlerken
Marie-Anne Ver Eecke
Karine Vergauwen
Frank Verlinden
Jan Vernieuwe
Anders Vranken
Didier Wagner
and to our writers:
Mischa Andriessen
Robin Arends
Marleen Arnouts
Werner Barth
José Bedeur
Henning Bolte
Erik Carrette
Danny De Bock
Denis Desassis
Pierre Dulieu
Ferdinand Dupuis-Panther
Federico Garcia
Paul Godderis
Stephen Godsall
Jean-Pierre Goffin
Claudy Jalet
Chris Joris
Bernard Lefèvre
Mathilde Löffler
Claude Loxhay
Ieva Pakalniškytė
Anne Panther
Etienne Payen
Jacques Prouvost
Renato Sclaunich
Yves « JB » Tassin
Herman te Loo
Eric Therer
Georges Tonla Briquet
Henri Vandenberghe
Peter Van De Vijvere
Iwein Van Malderen
Jan Van Stichel
Olivier Verhelst